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Tips in Board edge design- routing &V-cut


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Rout Rules:

When specifying a board edge, please ensure that if you are designing in Autotrax, Circuit Maker or Protel that the board edge is defined in Mechanical 1 layer.

If you are panelizing your boards please ensure that there is a minimum of 100mil between board edges to allow for the router width. Please also be aware that with any mechanical process there is a tolerance. For rout location, the tolerance is +/- 4mil(some factories requires +/-5mil) and this must be considered when placing tracks and planes near the edge of the board.

It is recommended that a 20mil clearance from the edge of the board to tracks/planes be maintained to allow for registration and rout tolerances.

Gold-plated PCB

V-Grooving Rules:

If your pcbs are to be scored you need to remember the following things:
1. Allow 20mil clearance from track to edge of board to compensate for the angle of the v-groove tool.
2. If the edge is not square, you must allow for an additional 45mil increase in the board size.
3. When panelizing, you may place the PCBs 40mil apart or use zero distance in each pair.

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