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The formation of Multilayer PCB


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The total thickness of the multilayer PCB is determined by the select of the copper clad laminate (CCL). In each multilayer PCB, there maybe few types of CCL. The thickness of each type of CCL should be the same. Latitudinal and longitudinal direction of CCL and prepreg is the same.

In particular multilayer PCB board more than 6 layers, each longitude direction of inner layer CCL must be consistent, that is to prevent unnecessary bending on PCB.

At early electronic equipment, electronic and electromechanical components are mounted on a chassis made of sheet metal, use conductive wire to make the electrically interconnect. With the development of printed circuit technology, electronic and electromechanical components are mounted on the printed circuit board to form an electrical part. Electronics especially computer electronic equipment, gradually formed the basis of this architecture. The advantage is good electrical performance, high reliability, small size, low cost, and automated production.


Multilayer PCB production: three or more than three layers with printed conductor pattern, with an adhesive insulating material to combine all the pattern and insulating material together, and use metalized holes to achieve the electrical interconnection between layers, layer number indicate the interconnection density level.

Large computer and electronic systems often use multilayer (up to 30 layers or more). Printed circuit board technology will develop with microelectronics assembly techniques-the tend of modern electronic devices. 

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