The third quarter is the peak season of conventional electronics, which has warm demand for printed circuit board and other related products. Analysts said that driven by the fast development of smart phones and tablet PCs, high density interconnection and FPC would have the busiest season in the second half of this year.
Although facing the stress of copper and CCL price increasing, which is expected to raise again in October, benefited from the hot growth of smart phones and tablet PCs, high density interconnection (HDI) achieves warm requirements. It is reported that high-density interconnection is indeed in short supply. The growth of FPC market is also under great demand. But compared with HDI and FPC, other printed circuit boards have the same sales performance as before and are considering measures to boost flagging demand.
The boom season of PCB is just around the corner, but most of manufacturers take a conservative attitude towards the future development of PCB. The quarter reports published in August are generally a little bit cautious.
In the second half of this year, smart phones and tablet PCs would become the most promising products. However, the promising future of these single products does not represent the overall situation of all the electronic products. Thus, the driving forces for the development of smart phone and tablet PCs would be limited. Compared with July and August in the past time, the growth rate in the future would not be high.