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Introduction of PCB Ink


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PCB ink refers to the ink used in printed circuit board, there are many types of ink on the market, mainly divided into three categories of circuit ink, solder mask ink, silkscreen ink.

1. Circuit ink is used as a barrier layer to prevent corrosion of the circuit, and to protect the circuit during etching. It is generally liquid photosensitive. There are two kinds, acid corrosion resistance and alkali corrosion resistance, and alkali resistance is more expensive. This layer of ink should be dissolved with alkali after corroded out of the line.

2. Solder mask ink is used to protect the circuit after the circuit is finished. There are liquid photosensitive and thermal curing, as well as ultraviolet curing type, leaving the pad on the board to facilitate soldering components and play the role of insulation and oxidation prevention.

3. The silkscreen ink is used to mark the surface of the board, such as component symbol, which is generally white.

In fact, there are other inks, such as peelable glue ink, which protects the parts that do not need to be treated during copper plating or surface treatment, and then can be torn off, silver paste ink and so on.


Matters need attention for using PCB ink

According to the actual experience of Shenzhen PCB manufacturer-Sys-PCB ink use, the using PCB ink must be carried out according to the following regulations:

1. In any case, the temperature of the ink must be kept below 20-25 ℃, the temperature change can not be too large, otherwise it will affect the viscosity of the ink, the quality and effect of printing. Especially when the ink is stored outdoors or at different temperatures, it must be placed at ambient temperature for a few days before use or let the ink tank can reach a suitable operating temperature. This is because use cold ink can cause printing failures, causing unnecessary trouble. Therefore, to maintain the quality of the ink, it is best to store at normal temperature process conditions.

2. The ink must be fully and carefully stirred manually or mechanically before use. If air enters the ink, let it stand for a while before use. If dilution is required, it must first be thoroughly mixed and then test viscosity. The ink tank must be sealed immediately after use. At the same time, never put the remaining ink back into the ink tank and mix with the unused ink.

3. It is best to use mutually compatible cleaning agents for cleaning, and it must be very thorough and clean. When cleaning, it is best to use clean solvents.

4. When the ink is drying, it must be carried out in a device with a good exhaust system.

5. It is necessary to maintain operating conditions in accordance with technological requirements.

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