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Programming and Testing

IC Programming
SysPCB provides IC programming services, which allows you to outsource the programming of integrated circuits (IC), removing the complexity and considerable time burden of programming, introducing increased efficiencies on the SMT assembly and cost savings to customers.

Programming can be done after SMT mounting assembly, but this method can only apply for prototype PCB assembly. When it comes to high volume PCB assembly, programming your ICs before assembly will be more competitive, you will enjoy cheap programming price, fast turns and zero defects.

IC programming will be conducted with PCB fabrication, before chips are mounted on the blank PCB board. Our IC programming service supports almost any technology and package in quantities ranging from a small prototype run to large volume production levels. We can provide all commercially available standard sockets, new algorithms as well as specially designed custom sockets. The IC types, IC packages and program file formats we support are listed below,


Device Type
MCU/MPU, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, Nand Flash, PLD/CPLD, SD Card, TF Card, CF Card, eMMC Card, eMMC, MoviNand and OneNand.


Package Type


Program file

Binary, IMG file, Intel Hex, Motorola S-Records, Tektronix, Extended Tektronix, POF

We can follow your required setting, configurations and the checksum provided to make sure all programming is done properly. IC programming, PCB assembly, coupled with our functional testing service will ensure that your software-driven PCB assemblies work exactly as intended every time.

Taping & Reeling | Dry Packing after IC Programming
The non-standard components may be not applicable for high-efficient PCB assembly, then you may require to make tape and reel. Yes, SysPCB provides component taping and reeling service. The automatic machines use vision-controlled device placement in the tape, checking for pin orientation. Custom tape and reel packaging enable transferring manual insertion to automatic placement during the SMT process, which contributes to time and money savings. Besides, dry packing service is also available for moisture sensitive devices.

Outsource your IC programming to SysPCB and benefit from reduced costs, increased productivity and an integrated supply chain. We program, tape & reel your ICs and dry them in packaging, assemble and test your PCB assemblies to improve our efficiency of turnkey PCB assembly service, and that’s why we can guarantee rapid delivery to help you meet your product launching deadlines.

Functional Testing

FCT stands for Functional Testing, which is a crucial and final PCB assembly manufacturing step prior to integration of the PCB assemblies into complete systems. We provide PCBA functional testing service with our assembly services after circuit boards are assembled, AOI and visual inspection are finished. PCBA functional testing allows us to find and correct component failures, assembly defects or potential design issues at the early stage and make troubleshooting as quick as possible. Finally, customers can deliver a perfect product launching to the market in a short time frame.

Functional Testing provides a pass and fail determination on finished PCB assemblies before they are shipped out. The purpose of functional testing (FCT) in PCB assembly manufacturing is to validate that electronic hardware is free of defects that could, otherwise, adversely affect the product’s correct functioning in a system application.

In short, SMT functional testing verifies PCBA functionality its behavior. It is important to emphasize that the requirements of a functional testing, its development, and procedures vary widely from PCB to PCB and system to system. A functional tester, functional testing jig, or functional testing fixture typically interface to the PCBA under testing via its edge connector or a test probe point. This testing simulates the final electrical environment in which the PCB will be used.


Advantages of PCBA Functional Testing Service


PCBA functional testing simulates the operating environment for the product under testing thereby minimizing the expensive cost for the customer to provide the actual testing equipment.

It eliminates the need for expensive system tests in some cases, which saves the OEM lots of time and financial resources.

It can check the functionality of the PCB assembly product being shipped, thereby minimizing the time and effort on the OEM to check and debug it. The testing engineers can extract the most productivity out of Functional testing thereby making it the most effective tool of system test.

PCBA functional testing enhances the other types of tests such as ICT and flying probe test, making the product more robust and error free.

A functional testing emulates or simulates a electronic product’s operational environment to check its correct functionality. The environment consists of any device which communicates with the device under testing (DUT), for example, the DUC’s power supply or program loads necessary to make the DUT work properly.

The printed circuit board (PCB) is subjected to a sequence of signals and power supply. Responses are monitored at specific points to ensure functionality is correct. The test is usually performed according to the OEM testing engineer, who defines the specifications and test procedures. This test is best at detecting wrong component values, functional failures and parametric failures.

Testing software, sometimes called testing firmware, allows production line operators to perform Functional testing in an automatic way through a computer. To do this, the software communicates with external programmable instruments, such as a digital multi-meter, I/O boards, communication ports. The software combined with the fixture interfacing the instruments to the DUC make it possible to perform a Functional testing.

Rely on Us as the Turnkey PCB Assembly Provider from China
Smart OEMs rely on a reputable Turnkey PCB assembly provider, like SYS Tech, to include PCB functional testing as part of its PCB manufacturing and assembly. A PCB assembly company adds considerable flexibility to an OEM’s technology storehouse. OEM customers can benefit greatly by working with a knowledgeable PCB assembly provider. The main reason is we draws from experience base and make valuable suggestions related to different reliability techniques and standards.

Pseudo soldering inspection and control plan


Inspection items after reflow soldering:

 Whether the components are missing.

Whether the components are mounted correctly.

Whether there is a short circuit.

Whether there is pseudo soldering.

The first three cases are easy to check, and the reasons are clear and easy to solve, but the reasons for the pseudo soldering are more complicated.


pseudo soldering during SMT process:


1. Judgment of pseudo soldering.

Use special equipment, e.g. online tester (commonly known as needle bed) for open/short testing.


2. Visual inspection (including magnifying glass and microscope).

When there is too little solder in the solder joints, poor solder wetting, or cracks in the middle of the solder joints, or the surface of the solder is convex spherical, or the solder is not compatible with SMD etc., you should pay attention to it.

Even a slight phenomenon will cause a hidden danger, it should be immediately judged whether there is a lot of pseudo soldering problem. The method of judgment is: to see if there are many problems with the solder joints at the same position on the PCB. If it is only a problem on an individual PCB, it may be caused by the solder paste being scratched, pin deformation etc., if it happens at the same position on many PCBs. it is likely to be caused by a bad component or a problem with the pad.


3. Causes and solutions of pseudo soldering.

(1). The pad design is defective. There should be no through holes on the pads, as the through holes will cause solder loss and insufficient solder; the pad spacing and area also need to be matched with standards, otherwise the design should be corrected as soon as possible.

(2). The PCB board is oxidized, that is, the pad is black and does not shine. If there is oxidation, an eraser can be used to remove the oxide layer to reproduce the bright light. If the PCB board is suspected to be damp, it can be dried in a drying box. If the PCB board is polluted by oil, sweat stains etc., it should be cleaned with absolute ethanol.

(3). For PCBs that have been printed with solder paste, the solder paste is scratched and rubbed, which reduces the amount of solder paste on the relevant pads, resulting in insufficient solder. It should be made up in time. The method of making up can be using a dispenser or pick up a little with small sticks.

(4). SMD (Surface Mounted Components) is of poor quality, expired, oxidized, and deformed, resulting in pseudo soldering. This is a more common reason.
  • The oxidized component is black and does not shine.

The melting point of the oxidized components rises. It can be soldered with more than 300 degrees of soldering iron and rosin-type flux, because use more than 200 degrees of SMT reflow soldering and less corrosive no-clean solder paste is difficult to solder.

Therefore, the oxidized SMD is not suitable for soldering with reflow soldering furnace. Be sure to check whether there is oxidation when buying components, and use them in time after buying them. In the same way, oxidized solder paste cannot be used.

  • For surface mount components with multiple leads, the leads are small and easily deformed under external force. Once deformed, the phenomenon of pseudo soldering or open soldering will definitely occur. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check and repair in time before/after soldering.
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PCB Assembly


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