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Performance and appearance quality inspection of components.


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Quality inspection in PCBA processing is very important. Quality inspection is not only for processing quality, but also for incoming material inspection, such as component performance and appearance quality inspection. China PCBA processing plant SYS Tech will give you a brief introduction to the performance and appearance quality inspection of components.

1. Component performance testing

Although the component performance does not directly interfere with the assembly process, it directly harms the performance and function of PCBA. If the defect or substandard component is PCBA shipped, and found in the final product performance and hardware function test, it should be repaired, the cost of rework is very high, and even can lead to irreparable losses.

Therefore, under the precondition that the component procurement channels are not absolutely reliable, it is necessary to perform performance testing of the components before assembly. The performance testing of large number of components is usually carried out by sampling, and the satisfaction of the specific performance parameters of the components and the identification performance parameters is checked with the help of general or special testing equipment.


2. Appearance quality inspection of components

Appearance quality directly interferes with assembly quality, such as pin defect, bending deformation, oxidation pollution, etc. Usually, strict appearance quality inspection can find and solve some possible assembly quality problems.

Another key content of the appearance quality inspection of PCBA processing is to check whether the component performance, specifications, packaging, etc. meet the order requirements, whether it meets the product performance index requirements, whether it meets the assembly process and assembly equipment production requirements, according to relevant standards and specifications. Does it meet storage requirements? This is also an important part of ensuring the quality of incoming materials.

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