PCB soldered with variety of components is PCBA, many people are concerned about its reliability over long, high-frequency operation, and need to know its shelf life. Under normal circumstances, PCBA shelf life is 2 to 10 years, mainly affected by the following factors:
1. The environment
Wet, dusty environment is obviously not conducive to PCBA preservation, these factors will accelerate the oxidation of PCBA, make PCBA dirty and shorten the shelf life of PCBA. In general, it is recommended that the PCBA be stored at a dry, dust-free space with constant temperature of 25 ° C in.
2. The reliability of components
Reliability of different components on PCBA also largely determines the PCBA shelf life, high-quality materials and processes components have their ability to withstand harsh environments, its wider range of capabilities, stronger antioxidant capacity, will provides protection to PCBA Stability.

3. The printed circuit board material and surface treatment process
PCB material itself is relatively stable to environmental impact, but its surface is vulnerable to impact of air oxidation. Good surface treatment can extend the shelf life of PCBA.
4. PCBA board operating load
PCBA operating load is the most important factor in its shelf life. In high frequency and high operation load PCBA, the circuit itself and the components will bear a sustained high impact by the operating, the heat generated is easily cause oxidization, resulted in short/open circuit in long-term operation.
Therefore, the operating parameters of the PCBA board better be set in the middle range value of the components, avoid operating near the peak, this can effectively protect the PCBA, extend its shelf life.