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Means Which Can Prevent Component Shifting in SMT Processing


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The Following means Can Prevent Component Shifting in SMT Processing:

In the SMT factory, the correct soldering of components directly affects the soldering quality, and the shifting of the components is a particularly important part of the soldering quality. How does SMT electronics factory prevent component shifting in chip assembly processing? China PCB Assembly factory SYS Tech will explain it to you today!

1. Strictly calibrate the positioning coordinates to ensure the accuracy of component mount.

2. Use solder paste with good quality and high adhesion, increase the SMT mounting pressure of the components to increase the bonding force.

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3. Choose the appropriate solder paste to prevent the solder paste from collapsing, and the solder paste has suitable flux content.

4. Adjust the reflow fan motor speed.

In fact, in the reflow soldering process of SMT chips, in addition to component shifting, there are many other possible defects, such as vertical flipping of the sides. However, these defects can be resolved. From circuit board design to first-class PCB board manufacture, to SMT processing, SysPCB can fundamentally improve the quality of reflow soldering and prevent the displacement of components.

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