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PCBA aging test specifications of SYS Tech


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One step in PCBA processing is aging. Although aging  is not particularly important, it also has its own specifications.  Professional PCBA manufacturing plants like SYS Technology have strict  aging specifications. 

SYS Technology PCBA factory will formulate PCBA  board aging process according to IPC standards: 

  1. IPC-TR-464  Aging solderability evaluation.

  2. IPC-TR-465-1  Steam engine temperature control stability cycle test.

  3. IPC-TR-465-2  The effect of steam aging time and temperature on the results of solderability test.

  4. IPC-TR-465-3  Phase IIA of the evaluation cycle test procedure for steam aging to substitute products.

PCBA aging testing

Smart watch-1

Summarize the points that should be done in the PCBA aging test processing:

  • Low temperature work: After putting the PCBA at -10±3℃, 1hour, under  this condition, it should carry the rated load. Under the conditions of  rated voltage, power on and run all the programs, all the procedures  should be correct.

  • High temperature work: After putting the control board at 80±3℃, 1hour,  under this condition, it should carry the rated load. Under the  conditions of rated voltage, power on and run all the programs. The  procedures should be correct.

  • High-temperature and high-humidity work: Put the PCBA at 65±3℃ and  90-95% humidity for 48h, and run the programs with rated load. Each  procedures should be correct.

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