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What is used to clean Circuit board during PCB process?


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What is used to clean Circuit board during PCB processing? We can use water to wash the PCB. water is aimed to clean the PCB surface after welding residual flux and rosin with industial detergent liquid chemical. There are other methods of cause, water washing is the main method of PCB cleaning, normally after washing, PCB need to be baked if it is in the final processes. There are three type of washing water with solvent.

1. Chlorinated solvent wash water: Is a mixture of chlorinated solvents and other; Rosin and its dissolving purify flux speed, no residual volatile after cleaning without drying characteristics. Such as abundant industrial environmental protection water wash plate FRB - 1.1.

2. Hydrocarbon solvent washing plate water: With the widely use of hydrocarbon cleaning agent, solvent is also used in PCB cleaning; Water has quick drying solvent washing plate type and slow dry type; Quick dry type generally good cleaning effect and solvent washing plate water environmental protection, non-toxic, low odor, distillation recycling use, the more used in high precision PCB cleaning, such as hydrocarbon solvent washing plate water FRB - 143.


3. Water-based type plate washing water: For water-based cleaning agent with environmental protection, security, non-toxic, without excitant gas volatilization characteristics, the author also found out of the water base class market recently wash water, but because of the circuit board pin has a metal component, if water-based type plate washing water should be careful, don't have antirust function for water-based cleaning agent to speed up the pin corrosion rust.

Other Method of application
1. Artificial brush method: there will be needed again to clean circuit board with some solvent wool brush wash boards with rosin and accelerate the dissolve of rosin flux and the flux of the loss.
2. Ultrasonic cleaning: place the circuit board in the jig to prevent damage caused by ultrasonic vibration to electronic components, in the ultrasonic cleaning tank, we need to determine a ultrasonic frequency and cleaning time.

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