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Tips to produce the correct PCB


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Printed circuit boards provide a base to electronic equipment, are made of insulating material and copper foil (typically a surface finishing with gold or tin). Copper is on one side or sometimes, on both sides of the surface.

The PCBs are responsible for the correct functioning of the device. Therefore, the designing and implementation of these basic building is important. All assembling techniques should be followed in correct process otherwise all your efforts will get failed.

Rigid-flex board

Mentioned below are some important tips to produce the correct PCB for the electronic equipment:

1. Keep some space on the upper corner of the board surface. It is normally reserved to mark the number and name of the assembly.
2. To increase the quality and accuracy of the product, the surface mount technology is preferred over a thru-hole technology for assembling.
3. Trace path designing should be considered to prevent the rise of acid pockets on the board surface during fabrication.
4. Take necessary precautions when working with Printed Circuit Board if it is connected to the power plugs.

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