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Testings from PCB to PCBA


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To complete the printed circuit board testing requirements, PCB process equipments suppliers from China or abroad has produced all kinds of testing equipment.

The automatic optical inspection (AOI) system is usually used for stratified former intimal testing;

In stratified later, X ray system monitoring contrapuntal accuracy and small defect; Scanning laser system provides the return before welding plate layer test methods. These systems, together with production line visual detection technology and automatic placed components integrity detection, conduce to ensure that final assembly and welding plate reliability.

It is highly recommended that you test every single board that comes off the line using a functional test fixture. Any defective product that makes it to your customers should give you a sick feeling in your stomach. This will be less if one person can test multiple boards in parallel.

PCB Failure Analysis

However, even though these efforts will make defect reduced to a minimum, you still need to assembled printed circuit board final testing, this is perhaps the most important, because it is the product and the process evaluation final unit.

Printed circuit board assembly final testing may pass in dynamic method or by automation system done, and often use the two methods together to achieve. "Manual" refers to an operator use optical instrument through the visual inspection board to make the right judgment about defect. Automation system is to use computer aided graphics analysis to determine the defects, many people also think automation system contains except manual light detection outside all the detection method.

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