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Structure and feature of Aluminum PCB


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Aluminum based printed circuit board is a unique metal-based PCB, with good thermal conductivity, electrical insulation properties and mechanical performance. Al PCB is widely used in LED, air conditioning, auto cars, electrical ovens, electronic, lights, high power module and so on.

Structure of aluminum PCB

Aluminum PCB is a circuit board with metal materials, constructed by copper foil, thermal conductive electrical insulation layer and the metal substrate, its structure is divided into three layers:

Circuit line layer: is equivalent of an ordinary PCB copper sheet, copper foil thickness is loz to 10oz.
Dielectric thermal conductive Layer: insulation layer is a layer of thermal conductive materials with low thermal resistance. Thickness: 0.003 "to 0.006" inches, it is the core technique of the aluminum PCB.

Base Layer: a metal substrate, usually aluminum or copper may be selected. Aluminum clad and traditional epoxy glass cloth laminate can be combined.


LED AI PCB Structure

Features of aluminum PCB
1. Easy to using surface mount technology (SMT);
2. The circuit design of the thermal diffusion in a very effectively considered;
3. Reduce product operating temperature, increase the power density and reliability, extend product life;
4. Smaller footprint and volume, save hardware and assembly costs;

5. Replace the fragile ceramic PCB substrates, better mechanical durability. 

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