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Peelable solder mask PCB manufacturing


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Peelable solder mask is not a popular surface treatment in today’s PCB. But we can still see it from time to time. Its main feature is after passing specific process, can be easily peeled off by hands or tools, with out residues on the PCB. It is widely used in protecting the PCB surface where tin solder is not needed, to passing process like tin oven, wave soldering, reflow etc.

Here are 2 tips of Peelable solder mask PCB manufacturing

1. If PCB surface treatment is Immersion silver, immersion Tin etc, these kind of PCB surface treatment are prone be oxidized, Can not apply peelable solder mask
Reason: PCB with Immersion Tin and Silver surface is prone to be oxidized, can not be baked after surface treatment is done. But after printing peelable soldermask to PCB, need to bake PCB for peelable soldermask solidify.
Process of OSP PCB apply peelable soldermask, first time OSP line=> printing peelable soldermask=> second time OSP treatment line

PCB焊接、焊铁-3 Multilayer PCB

2. Peelable soldermask can not be printed on both sides of PCB
A: peelable soldermask of both sides can be connected in the through hole, hard to peel off.
B: after print peelable soldermask on one side, the peelable solder mask surface is higher than other surface, rough and uneven in surface will cause trouble in printing of the other side.
C: Cause wrap and twist issue to PCB, bring difficult in measuring PCB features.

Standard peelable soldermask viscosity of SysPCB is 400±10%dPS, we can adjust viscosity as per customer requirements, if you need peelable soldermask PCB, contact us at, we are China PCB manufacturer since 2006, you can trust us.

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