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PCBA Manufacturers Temperature and Humidity Sensitive Components Management


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In PCBA manufacturers, electronics components are one of the main processing materials. The management of temperature and humidity sensitive components is relatively important in the storage and processing, which will directly affect the quality of PCBA products.

1. Generally, PCBA manufacturers will develop a system for controlling temperature and humidity sensitive components. When in use, the workshop environment temperature should be controlled at 18°C-28°C. During storage, the temperature should be controlled at 18°C-28°C, and the relative humidity should be less than 10%. In order to maintain the temperature and humidity environment in the enclosed area of the factory, the space or door should not be open for more than 5 minutes.

2. To prevent static electricity from damaging the components, when unpacking the vacuum package of humidity-sensitive components, the operator must first wear electrostatic gloves and an electrostatic wristband, and then open the vacuum package on a table with good electrostatic protection. Check whether the changes of components temperature and humidity card meet the requirements, and only those that meet the requirements can be labeled.

PCB Quality control

3. If you receive the humidity-sensitive components in bulk, you should first check the label on the packaging bag to confirm whether it is qualified.

4. Check that a desiccant, relative humidity card, etc. must be attached to the moisture-proof bag.

5. After the humidity-sensitive components are removed from the vacuum packaging and before the reflow, the operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the corresponding standards of the PCBA manufacturers.

6. Store the unopened components as required. The opened components need to be baked and then put into a vacuum-sealed moisture-proof bag before they can be stored.

7. For unqualified components, hand over to the quality control personnel to return to the warehouse.

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