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PCB market growing in 2016


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IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries, Recently released an annual survey-based study provides a comprehensive overview of the market and business of PCB manufacturing. The 70-page, downloadable report is available to IPC members for $450 and $600 for nonmembers. Companies that participated in the survey receive the report for free.
North American printed circuit board (PCB) production should see a return to modest growth by the end of 2016. Published in the report, 2015-2016 Analysis and Forecast for the PCB Industry in North America, the modest growth is expected to continue through 2018, not just for North America, but also for world PCB production as a whole, including the biggest PCB manufacturing bases like China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan etc.

flexible pcb

The IPC report contains current data and analysis covering rigid PCBs and flexible circuits separately, including: market size, sales growth, sales by product type and by vertical markets, product mix (high-volume vs. quick-turn vs. prototype), revenue trends from value-added services, layer counts, material trends, trends in spending on labor and R&D, revenue per employee, and U.S. imports and exports.
Forecasts of total PCB production in the Americas and the world through 2018 from Dr. Hayao Nakahara, a leading industry analyst and consultant to the PCB industry, are included as a special feature of the study.

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