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PCB glossary M-P


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PCB Glossary starting with M

Major Defect: A defect that is likely to result in failure of a unit or product by materially reducing its usability for its intended purpose.

Mask: A material applied to enable selective etching, plating, or the application of solder to a PCB.

Measling: Discrete white spots or crosses below the surface of the base laminate that reflect a separation of fibers in the glass cloth at the weave intersection.

Metal Foil: The plane of conductive material of a printed board from which circuits are formed. Metal foil is generally copper and is provided in sheets or rolls.

MIC: Monolithic Integrated Circuit

Micro Ball Grid Array: A method of mounting an integrated circuit or other component to a higher layer-count printed circuit board with an array of extremely small solder balls (or columns) at each contact, allowing for greater component density.

Microsectioning: The preparation of a specimen of a material, or materials, that is to be used in metallographic examination. This usually consists of cutting out a cross-section followed by encapsulation, polishing, etching, and staining.

Microvia: Usually defined as a conductive hole with a diameter of 0.006 in or less that connects layers of a multilayer_ PCB. Often used to refer to any small geometry connecting hole the creation of which is beyond the tradition practical drilling capabilities.

Mil: One thousandth of an inch.

Minimum Conductor Space: The smallest distance between any two adjacent conductors, such as traces, in a PCB.

Minimum Conductor Width: The smallest width of any conductors, such as traces, on a PCB.

Minor Defect: A defect that is not likely to result in the failure of a unit or product or that does not reduce its usability for its intended purpose.

Mounting Hole: A hole that is used for the mechanical support of a printed board or for the mechanical attachment of components to a printed board.

MTF: Multi-layer Thin Film

Multichip Module Laminates: A type of printed circuit board design that allows for the placement of multiple integrated circuits or other components in a limited surface area.

Multilayer_ Printed Boards: Printed boards consisting of a number of separate conducting circuit planes separated by insulating materials and bonded together into relatively thin homogeneous constructions with internal and external connections to each level of the circuitry as needed.

Multimeter: A portable test instrument which can be used to measure voltage, current, and resistance.

PCB Glossary starting with N

NC Drill: Numeric Control drill machine used to drill holes at exact locations of a PCB specified in NC Drill File.

Negative: A reverse-image copy of a positive, useful for checking revisions of a PCB and is often used for representing inner layer planes. When a negative image is used for an inner-layer it would typically have clearances (solid circles) and thermals (segmented donuts) that either isolate holes from the plane or make thermally relieved connections respectively.

NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Net: A collection of terminals all of which are, or must be, connected electrically. Also known as signal.

Netlist: List of parts and their connection points which are connected in each net of a circuit.

New Product Introduction (NPI): New Product Introduction (NPI) is an early product life-cycle process service to assist OEMs in achieving cost-effective, quick-to-market and quick-to-volume production. The NPI process includes technology selection, design and development engineering services, test and material strategies, design for manufacturability and prototyping.

Node: A pin or lead to which at least two components are connected through condcutors.

Nomenclature: Identification symbols applied to the board by means of screen printing, inkjetting, or laser processes.

NPTH: Non-plated trough-hole.

PCB Glossary starting with P

Pad: The portion of the conductive pattern on printed circuits designated for the mounting or attachment of components. Also called land.

Panel: A rectangular sheet of base material or metal-clad material of predetermined size that is used for the processing of printed boards and, when required, one or more test coupons.

Pattern: The configuration of conductive and nonconductive materials on a panel or printed board. Also, the circuit configuration on related tools, drawings and masters.

Pattern Plating: The selective plating of a conductive pattern.

PCB: Printed Circuit Board. Also called Printed Wiring Board (PWB).

PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.

PEC: Printed Electronic Component.

Photographic Image: An image in a photo mask or in an emulsion that is on a film or plate.

Photo Plotter: Device used to generate photographically by plotting objects onto film for use in manufacturing printed wiring.

Photoplotting: A photographic process whereby an image is generated by a controlled light beam that directly exposes a light-sensitive material.

Photo Print: The process of forming a circuit pattern image by hardening a photosensitive polymeric material by passing light through a photographic film.

Photo Resist: A material that is sensitive to portions of the light spectrum and that, when properly exposed can mask portions of a base metal with a high degree of integrity.

Phototool: A transparent film that contains the circuit pattern, which is represented by a series of lines of dots at a high resolution.

PI: Polyimide. (Also Pi)

Pick-and-Place: A manufacturing operation of assembly process in which components are selected and placed onto specific locations according to the assembly file of the circuit.

Pin: A terminal on a component, whether SMT or through-hole. Also called a lead.

Pin-Through-Hole (PTH): Pin-Through-Hole (PTH) is an older method of fusing relatively low-density electrical components to one side of a printed circuit board substrate, utilizing pin-through-hole connections.

Pitch: The center-to-center spacing between conductors, such as pads and pins, on a PCB.

Plasma: A highly-ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and negative electrons. Thus, as a whole it is electrically neutral, though conductive and affected by magnetic fields.

Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier: An SMT chip package that is rectangular or square- shaped with leads on all four sides. The leads are spaced at 0.050 inches, so this package is not considered fine-pitch.

Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC): A component package with J-leads.

Plated Through Hole: A hole with plating on its walls that makes an electrical connection between conductive layers, external layers, or both, of a printed board.

Plating Resist: Material deposited as a covering film on an area to prevent plating on this area.

Plating Void: The area of absence of specific metal from a specific cross-sectional area.

Plotting: The mechanical converting of X-Y positional information into a visual pattern such as artwork.

Positive: A developed image of photo-plotted file, where the areas selectively exposed by the photo plotter appear black and unexposed areas are clear. For outer-layers, color will indicate copper. Positive inner-layers will have clear areas to indicate copper.

PrePreg: Sheet material (e.g., glass fabric) impregnated with a resin cured to an intermediate stage (B-stage resin).

Printed Board: The general term for completely processed printed circuit or printed wiring configurations. It includes single, double-sided, and multilayer_ boards, both rigid and flexible.

Printed Circuit: A conductive pattern that comprises printed components, printed wiring, or a combination thereof, all formed in a predetermined design and intended to be attached to a common base. (In addition, this is a generic term used to describe a printed board produced by any of a number of techniques).

Printed Circuit Board (PCB): Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is a board made from an insulating, non-conductive material that has conductive metal tracks (electronic interconnects) called traces on it. Integrated circuits and components are soldered to the board, and the metal traces between terminals connect the various devices and components. Multilayer_ circuit boards consist of multiple laminated layers of electrically integrated substrate, each with unique circuit traces.

Printed Wiring Board: A part manufactured from rigid base material upon which completely processed printed wiring has been formed.

Probe Test: A spring-loaded metal device used to make electrical contact between test equipment and the unit under test.

Product Assurance: Product Assurance guarantees that the product is built according to specifications and meets all standards and regulations.

Prototyping: Prototyping is an element of new product introduction, which involves building initial quantities, in short production runs, of an electronic product for testing, as well as for design validation and manufacturability refinement. The prototyping process involves nearly all aspects of a product prior to volume production and can significantly streamline the design and product development process, while substantially reducing costs.

PTH (plated-through Hole): A plated hole used as a conducting interconnection between different layers or sides of a PCB either used as connection for through-hole component or as a via.

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