PCB industry is a technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry, but it is still a labor-intensive industries, a large number of automation equipment is required manual processes and pipeline operations, a medium-sized PCB enterprise have thousands of employees.
Industrial robot is re-programmable and automatic controlled, able to complete certain manufacturing process which requires multifunction operational tasks. According to main machine and pipeline in process, industrial robots can be combined to single or multiple machine automation systems, with the realization of handling, welding, sorting, assembling and painting, and other production operations.
As in the automotive industry and other manufacturing industries, instead of using workers, industrial robots in the PCB industry bring a lot of advantages to the enterprise.
Reduce employment, accelerate the speed of work, and improve work efficiency. Robots can achieve higher speed repetitive actions, robot speed can be much higher than the manual work, leading to significantly enhancement in efficiency and reduce labor costs, management costs.
Enhance operational accuracy, improve product quality. Programmed robot vision system can be used to achieve accurate positioning, effectively improve the quality of products.
PCB industry use lots of chemical liquid and loud machines. Using robot machine can avoid the potential environment threat to the workers' health, saving the investment in environmental security.
Reduce impact caused by repetitive or boring process to workers, which affect efficiency and quality, reduce the accident rate.
Optimize manufacturing processes, reduce the working space need for processes.
Reduce material consumption rate by accurate handling.
24 hours of continuous operation and work under black light environment.
The manufacturing process can be more flexible. Future PCB industry will be prone to more and more small PCB orders, using of industrial robots can greatly improve production flexibility, achieve rapid delivery of orders.
Enhance the brand image and reputation of PCB enterprises. Applications of industrial robots enhance the automation level of PCB manufacturers to further level, improve product quality, producing efficiency, cost control, responsiveness, and improve the overall competitiveness of the manufacturers in the whole industry.