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Completed PCB layout by steps


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1. Schematic PCB capture through an electronic design automation tool.

2. Board dimensions and template are decided based on required circuitry and case of the PCB. Determine the fixed components and heat sinks if required.

3. Deciding stack layers of the PCB. 1 to 12 layers or more mostly depending on the design complexity of the PCB. Ground plane and power plane are decided. PCB Signal planes where signals are routed are in top layer as well as internal layers.

4. Line impedance determination using dielectric layer thickness, routing copper thickness and trace-width PCB. Trace separation also taken into account in case of differential PCB signals. Microstrip, stripline or dual stripline can be used to route signals.

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5. Placement position of the components. Thermal considerations PCB and geometry are taken into consideration. Vias and lands are marked.

6. Routing the signal traces. For optimal EMI performance high frequency signals are routed in internal layers between power or ground planes as power planes behave as ground for AC.

Routing the signal traces in PCB layout

7. Gerber files generation for PCB manufacturing. Find a right PCB manufacturer in China to make the idea real at lower cost.

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