Growing hemp abroad mainly uses LED grow lights to supplement light for cannabis growth. LED grow lights can not only produce the same intensity of light, but also save high electricity bills.
One of the main features of these lamps is that they consume very little energy. Compared with other lamps and lanterns, it is found that LED plant growth lamps save about 50-70% energy compared with other plant lamps. Also, the intensity of the light does not fade over time. Horticulture LED lights are expensive, but their durability and energy-saving properties make them a grower's first choice.
LED grow lights generate the least amount of heat. Compared to HPS or HID lights, they emit a lot of heat, burning plant leaves. Horticulture LED lights provide plants with sufficient photosynthetic brightness, while also reducing emissions of other harmful particles.
Plant lights are also environmentally friendly. In addition to low heat and energy savings, being recyclable is good for the environment.
If used properly, Horticulture LED lights can last for more than 3 to 4 years, which is why traditional plant lights are now replaced by LED lights. They do not contain chemicals such as mercury and are not harmful to plant growth.
Traditional lamps require ballasts, reflectors, bulb fixtures, sockets, etc. But LED grow lights are easy to install and can work efficiently without any maintenance issues. Under the lighting of LED grow lights, plants can grow healthily. Thereby reducing the use of various lighting equipment and saving money.
With traditional grow lights, plants can burn and dry out if the temperature is not managed properly. They also emit UV rays that are harmful to plants, however, with LED grow lights, no UV rays are produced, which protects the plants and allows them to grow according to their growth cycle.