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5 database need for SMT process


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Each PCB board is different, representing different products, and electronic products that need to be mounted need to pass SMT process, so how do you edit the placement machine before processing, that is, how to position it?

A complete placement program should include the following aspects:

1. Component placement data

Simply to say, the component placement data is to specify the position, angle, model number etc. of the components to be placed on the PCB. The placement data includes component part number, designator, X coordinate, Y coordinate, placement angle, etc. The origin of the coordinate is generally taken at the lower left corner of the PCB.

2. Fiducial marks data

Including reference point, coordinates, color, brightness, search area, etc. Before the placement cycle begins, the camera on the placement head will first search for fiducial marks. After the fiducial mark is found, the camera reads its coordinate position and sends it to the placement system microprocessor for analysis. If there is an error, the computer sends instructions and the placement system controls the movement of the execution component, so that the PCB can be accurately positioned. There should be at least two reference points to ensure accurate positioning of the PCB.


3. Component database

There are component sizes, pin numbers, pin spacing and corresponding nozzle types in the library.

4. Feeder arrangement data

The feeder arrangement data specifies the feeder selected for each component and the placement position on the placement machine's feeding platform.

5. PCB data

PCB data includes setting the size, thickness, and panel data of the PCB.

After the previous work is completed, the program should be optimized. The placement program optimization ideas of Sony, Siemens and Europlacer are all the same. They are all based on a certain algorithm to make the placement line between the placement machines and one machine, the placement time between several heads and the number of components placement reach a balance, so as to pursue the highest SMT production efficiency.

After the program is optimized, it can be used for SMT chip processing and production. The programmer must pay attention to the debugging problems during the first production, and constantly analysis and summarize, to minimize the debugging downtime due to programming problems, and create for the enterprise more value.

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