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2015 Q3 Taiwan PCB production value released by TPCA


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Taiwan Printed Circuit Association(TPCA), The Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK) held the printed circuit board industry trend series seminar on November 25 in the afternoon, released the printed circuit board production value of the third quarter 2015 including plants in Mainland China and Taiwan. The PCB enterprises of Apple's supply chain achieve a better performance.

the third quarter is the traditional peak season of a year, printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers’ revenue generally have significant growth than the previous quarter, especially in apples supply chain-related vendors appear brisk performance, but this year the economy is sluggish, to estimate, the output value of Taiwan PCB makers from plants in Mailand China and Taiwan, only at same level as last year.

Printed Circuit Fabrication

Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) represents, cooperate with IEK to hold seminars and conferences quarterly study PCB industry trend, has been an important of anticipating events to the members, and has been held 19 times since 2011.

TPCA noted that in 2015 the global economic recovery is not as strong as expected. US economic growth forecast has been revised, volatility of the mainland stock market, growth cooling on BRICs, etc. also affect the economic situation in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

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