Three main passive components Assembled printed circuit boards (PCBAs) comprise various electrical components, including resistors, capacitors, diodes, and other passive elements. Each component's proper function is critical for the overall performance of the PCB, making testing and monitoring essential. Resistors, which transmit electric current to produce voltage, are tested with an ohmmeter, ideally a digital multimeter. Capacitors, which store energy in an electrostatic field, can be tested by applying DC voltage to check for issues like shorts or leakage. Diodes, which allow current to flow in only one direction, require careful testing with an analog meter to detect potential faults such as leaks or open circuits. As the demand for smaller mobile devices grows, the power requirements of these passive components continue to shrink, presenting challenges for PCB manufacturers, component makers, and assembly houses to stay up to date with the latest technologies and avoid falling behind in the market.
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